Be still and know that He is God...
Do you ever feel like life is going so fast, you are running just to catch up to your own shadow? I've been feeling that the past couple of weeks. Perhaps it's the purchase of our new home and the painting and preparation that entails. Maybe it's our wedding now just two short months away. Or, maybe I can blame it on busy season kicking in at work just as the busy conference season closes. My life sounds like this saying my dad once showed me: "I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, please ask me to wait."
The past couple of days I've felt very overwhelmed. I've found myself going down my mental list of wedding to dos, moving to dos, and house to dos while talking to various callers. Yesterday, I had several long phone calls. While listening and offering as much information as I could, I tried to work on some e-mails, but then the front desk would instant message me with another call on hold, someone would stop by my office, and my head would jump back to, invitations, guest list, flowers, tuxes, paint, boxes, packing...sigh.
This morning I met with my prayer buddy here at work, and we spent some time praying about life, and about our hearts. When I get busy, I have a tendency to put God on a back burner and take care of the more, "important things." As I took time to pray and seek the face of my God this morning, I was struck with the stupidity of the afore mentioned thought. What could be more important than time spent with my Father--the One who gave His very life because He saw value and worth in mine? I've been allowing myself to cut off the very One Who can bring my life and true peace and joy.
As I prayed my perspective began to change.
The wedding is a lot of work, I'll grant you, but I'm being given the opportunity to love someone with Christ's love for the rest of my life. I'm going to be able to learn each day what it means to love someone, and to be loved by someone. I've been given an amazing gift in my Peter, and it would be foolish to get so caught up in the "stress of planning a wedding" to forget this gift I've been given. He's the one, who through the busyness of our lives right now, asks to pray with me, and gently encourages and listens. While I want the day to be special, its importance fades as I think about the bigger, lifetime commitment I will make that day.
The house is work,but what a blessing to have a home together! What a blessing to have the time to get it ready to be lived in now; to paint it the way we want it, and to do it as a team. This is such a special time in our lives. Just last night we were able to look at our newly finished kitchen--pictures will be up soonish:-)
Work is work, but, it's also another opportunity to pour my life into ministry. Sometimes these moms, (and dads too) need to share with someone. It's a blessing to work in a place filled with people who love the Lord, who meet corporately twice each week to seek the face of God. My prayer buddy is one of my best friends, and I am so grateful that she's a part of my life. God has blessed me here.
I do have much to thank God for, and I need to spend more time doing so. I'm glad He reminded me this morning, "Darling girl, be still and know that I am God. Before the foundations of the world I knew you-I knit you together in your mother's womb. Be still, my child, be still."
The past couple of days I've felt very overwhelmed. I've found myself going down my mental list of wedding to dos, moving to dos, and house to dos while talking to various callers. Yesterday, I had several long phone calls. While listening and offering as much information as I could, I tried to work on some e-mails, but then the front desk would instant message me with another call on hold, someone would stop by my office, and my head would jump back to, invitations, guest list, flowers, tuxes, paint, boxes, packing...sigh.
This morning I met with my prayer buddy here at work, and we spent some time praying about life, and about our hearts. When I get busy, I have a tendency to put God on a back burner and take care of the more, "important things." As I took time to pray and seek the face of my God this morning, I was struck with the stupidity of the afore mentioned thought. What could be more important than time spent with my Father--the One who gave His very life because He saw value and worth in mine? I've been allowing myself to cut off the very One Who can bring my life and true peace and joy.
As I prayed my perspective began to change.
The wedding is a lot of work, I'll grant you, but I'm being given the opportunity to love someone with Christ's love for the rest of my life. I'm going to be able to learn each day what it means to love someone, and to be loved by someone. I've been given an amazing gift in my Peter, and it would be foolish to get so caught up in the "stress of planning a wedding" to forget this gift I've been given. He's the one, who through the busyness of our lives right now, asks to pray with me, and gently encourages and listens. While I want the day to be special, its importance fades as I think about the bigger, lifetime commitment I will make that day.
The house is work,but what a blessing to have a home together! What a blessing to have the time to get it ready to be lived in now; to paint it the way we want it, and to do it as a team. This is such a special time in our lives. Just last night we were able to look at our newly finished kitchen--pictures will be up soonish:-)
Work is work, but, it's also another opportunity to pour my life into ministry. Sometimes these moms, (and dads too) need to share with someone. It's a blessing to work in a place filled with people who love the Lord, who meet corporately twice each week to seek the face of God. My prayer buddy is one of my best friends, and I am so grateful that she's a part of my life. God has blessed me here.
I do have much to thank God for, and I need to spend more time doing so. I'm glad He reminded me this morning, "Darling girl, be still and know that I am God. Before the foundations of the world I knew you-I knit you together in your mother's womb. Be still, my child, be still."
I sure appreciated your insights. They were just what I needed in light of our unusually hectic week. The garden was abundant with all kinds of goodies that needed attention, my number one office helper was gone helping our pastor at church camp, and I was forced to shuttle Jonathan and David to and from work in opposite directions since we're all sharing one vehicle. And yet, as you said there are blessings within the very things that can cause stress - yummy garden produce, a daughter with a heart to serve God, and the blessings of having a job and a working vehicle, even if it's one amongst five drivers.
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM
Gosh, I wish I didn't remember my own wedding planning so well! With my photography, I've seen so many brides going through this since my own wedding, and each time the same things come up. I wish I'd had the courage to be still and trust the Lord in my own wedding planning. I pray you can keep resting and focused on His love for his "darling girl." A wedding is just a wedding--the relationship and adventure lasts forever. Make the memories that matter in your heart--the rest is just details. ;-)
Kelly Sauer, at 11:57 AM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blown away by this - HUGE - I love this post! The part esp about being given someone to love with Christ's love and to be loved in return - WOW. You guys will have an amazing marriage! You will cherish these days when you look back upon them even though they are crazy busy. Much love and prayers. Sunshine
Sunshine, at 4:58 PM
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