30 weeks and growing!
Hello my adoring public. Today is a special day. Today, I am 30 weeks old. Aren't I looking good? Yes, I'll admit the top adorning me is kind of girly, but I am secure in my masculinity. Besides, I hear that I have aunt Jessica to thank for the look, and I think the color is perfect for mom.
It's funny, I hear mom talking about how big she feels and how she STILL has about 2 more months of carrying me around, and I want to say, "hey out there, what about me?" Fans, I used to have lots of space to move and play, but now my play space is seriously starting to feel cramped. I don't know how I'M going to survive 2 more months. Although, I have to admit, living in here does have its perks. I love doing random things with my feet, arms and head just to make mom yelp, giggle or poke me back. Sometimes I even hear her to tell me to knock it off, (that mostly happens when I go for the bladder bump.) I find it funny. Guess she doesn't.
Ah, yes, the life.
Mom also eats pretty yummy food which is good because I LIKE food. Food is my favorite!
I hate getting pesky hiccups. Mom and dad always tell people to, "Come feel, the baby has hiccups." I hate to break it to you guys, but those aren't cool. I feel like I get them a lot these days.
Although, I have to say, they do provide me with attention, so I guess they aren't all bad...
Mom and dad are so goofy sometimes. The other morning I guess the house must have been chilly because mom was complaining about it. Didn't bother me. I am always perfectly cozy. Dad went and grabbed her this blanket, (nice and manly, eh?) and wrapped her up in it. Isn't that silly? Dad said she looked super cute, even for first thing in the morning:-) She didn't quite agree with him, but girls are like that I guess.
I think I will enjoy meeting them. They say they are getting ready to meet me, mwuhaha! They don't know what they are in for!
That's an update from me at the ripe age of 30 weeks! From mom's belly to your home computer...
~Kid LaRock
Dear Kid LaRock - You certainly are growing. We can't wait to meet you. With love from your adoring public! : )
Anonymous, at 12:26 AM
*grin* Yep, the bladder bump...trying to get Baby Girl to stop doing that, too, but she thinks it's fun. :-P
You look great!!! :-D Happy 30 weeks!
Caleb and Kirsten, at 10:07 AM
Wow kid! You so are starting to look quite big! I can't wate to meet you.
Joanna Cole, at 10:09 AM
Hehe, so cute! Aw man, I miss you, Julie. Glad the shirt has come in handy! :-)
Jessica, at 8:09 AM
You're looking good, Julie!
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
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