timely photo
July 4th came and went. The food was great, the fireworks fun, and the time of being with family was wonderful. On July 4th we took some pictures that I will be forever thankful we took.

This special man that I have only known a few years, went to be with Jesus last week. July 4th was the last time I would see him this side of heaven. It was not something I expected to happen so soon, but it did, and now we have only memories of him.
His funeral was such a special time. All 9 of his children were there, along with many, (38 I think) grandkids and then the great-grandchildren. What a legacy. The funeral home was half full of his family. It was amazing. The stories that were shared and the memories brought tears to my eyes. This man loved the Lord and he loved his wife and kids...very much.
My son has been a pill, to put it mildly, the past few days. Screaming every time we go anywhere in the car for the entire ride is his newest er, trick. I find myself so weary with him, especially on days like today when he only slept for 1.5 hours...all day. Sitting here now, after being in tears of frustration with him, and thinking about Gramps LaRock, and his legacy, makes me realize that one day this will all be worth it. If I sat down and poured out my heart to gramps about today, I'm guessing he would give me a pat on the shoulder and remind me that the best is yet to come. His family has and still has their struggles. Kids and parents will have disagreements, and issues will come up. But, I know that last week when Jesus met Gramps in heaven, he was told, "Well done my good and faithful servant." He ran the race. Not perfectly, but he ran it and finished well.
That's the kind of legacy I want to leave.
So, Lord, forgive me where I am too weak and human, and help me to love my son with your love, so that he may see you in me.
This special man that I have only known a few years, went to be with Jesus last week. July 4th was the last time I would see him this side of heaven. It was not something I expected to happen so soon, but it did, and now we have only memories of him.
His funeral was such a special time. All 9 of his children were there, along with many, (38 I think) grandkids and then the great-grandchildren. What a legacy. The funeral home was half full of his family. It was amazing. The stories that were shared and the memories brought tears to my eyes. This man loved the Lord and he loved his wife and kids...very much.
My son has been a pill, to put it mildly, the past few days. Screaming every time we go anywhere in the car for the entire ride is his newest er, trick. I find myself so weary with him, especially on days like today when he only slept for 1.5 hours...all day. Sitting here now, after being in tears of frustration with him, and thinking about Gramps LaRock, and his legacy, makes me realize that one day this will all be worth it. If I sat down and poured out my heart to gramps about today, I'm guessing he would give me a pat on the shoulder and remind me that the best is yet to come. His family has and still has their struggles. Kids and parents will have disagreements, and issues will come up. But, I know that last week when Jesus met Gramps in heaven, he was told, "Well done my good and faithful servant." He ran the race. Not perfectly, but he ran it and finished well.
That's the kind of legacy I want to leave.
So, Lord, forgive me where I am too weak and human, and help me to love my son with your love, so that he may see you in me.
Thank you for sharing Grandpa LaRock with us; what a treasure to his friends and family and an example for each of us to follow.
I can remember those days of frustration when the babies cried endlessly and slept sparingly. Tough, exhausting days,to be sure, but thank God for His amazing grace.
Karen, at 1:30 AM
Wow...Those pictures are REALLY sweet! I'm sure you all will always treasure that!
Jivian Vudith, at 10:55 AM
Thanks for saying those things, Julie. It's really special to see you taking from Grandpa's legacy in such a meaningful way. You're a fantastic mom, and we're always so amazed by your patience with Sammy, even in his rough times. Don't forget you've got lots of arms over here that are always more than willing to take a turn if you're ever feeling like you just can't take it anymore! And Laura and I are driving right by you guys three days a week as well.
Don't hesitate to call!
Love you tons, sister.
Elizabeth LaRock, at 6:51 PM
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