We've been having a lovely summer so far this year. Little Sam (who has figured out how to walk) and I love getting outside to take in the warm weather, sun, and fun. We've had fun visiting with Jeremy and Jessica and their 3 little ladies.
Here are two of the cuties hanging at my house.

We've also enjoyed seeing, Aunt Joanna, Dad, Judy, Jed, Jeff and Mom! We've done a lot of fun things, but alas, I was often so occupied tending my busy boy, that very few pictures were taken. We went with Dad and the kids to D.C. for the day where we took in the zoo, and made a quick dash to see a few monuments on the mall. We also spent a lot of time playing frisbee, volleyball, and took some time to swim over at the LaRock's. We also had a lovely cookout and used our old bushes for firewood. (More on that project in my next post.) We also took a hike to Raven's Rock, and I did manage to take some pictures!!

Joanna and I had some time together before everyone got here, and we had fun doing some shopping, running to photo shoots, and just hanging out.
Mom headed down the NC with J and J Cole, and then came back up here to see me, Sam and Peter. I picked her up in Alexandria at the train station, and then we went and took in Mount Vernon. Sadly, I forgot my camera! We did have fun looking around the lovely estate, and Sam managed to be a good boy...mostly.
This morning, after a rough night with our kiddo, I walked downstairs, (after not hearing Sam noises for awhile) to find this. Poor kid needs to learn the value of a good night's sleep. Pete and I would love him to learn this lesson sooner rather than later!:-)

The following pictures are just some fun ones of Samster. Enjoy!

And, the lovely flowers my hubby brought me!