Julie 'n Pete

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life goes on....

I promise to make this short 'cause I do know that I talk about baseball a lot.

The Cards lost. I am sad. Houston had a great pitcher. The Card's pitchers were bad last night. Houston deserved the win. I am not bitter towards the umpire that made the bad call. I want to see the Cards win a WS before I die. Wahhhhh!

Okay-see, I can move on. I am not bitter;)

So, Jeanette and I went apartment shopping for her yesterday, and I think we found what we set out to find. Her place is just a hop-skip and a jump away from where I live. I am thrilled that she will be close. We looked at one place, but seriously, I didn't like it at all. The apartments were nice, don't get me wrong, but it was entirely too snooty for my taste. Jeanette agreed, so we went elsewhere.

Life continues its busy pace. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I've gotta run for now.


Monday, October 10, 2005

fall is here...

It's amazing just how fast the weather has cooled here. Last week I was sweating on my jog, and today my chest just about burst from the cool air. The trees are all starting to turn...ack, I just can't believe that it's already October.

So, my life continues to be full to overflowing. God is just so good. He always is good, it's just that sometimes I don't pay attention to all he's doing for me every second of every day. He sends us people just when we need them. Jeanette's been staying with me for the past several weeks, and God has used her so much in my life during this time. I had no idea just how ugly some attitudes were getting in me, and her honesty helped me to see it.

I went to a Bible study/get together yesterday, and we talked about dealing with sin, but also dealing with the thought that leads to the sin. It was really what I needed to hear. I know that sometimes I like to gloss over the bad attitudes and such in my life and not call them by their name: sin. "It was just a bad attitude", I often argue to myself. "That's not so bad." But you know, it is. It is all sin.
In Sunday School once my pastor was talking about the Holy Spirit, and he was talking about how when we are not right with God, and when He has to take time to deal with us, we are quenching the work of the Holy Spirit because He is not free to work through us for others; instead He has to "stop what He is doing" and deal with our sin. Good point isn't it?

Anyhow, I'm just so blessed to have parents, siblings and friends who are bold enough to challenge me. I wish sometimes that I had a more bold personality; but, God can use anyone now can't He?:)

Working as a nanny continues to have it's everyday challenges, but I can say that I am growing through that too. Just in learning to stop finding the negative, and instead look at the opportunities to grow that are before me on a daily basis. The kids really are fun; work, but what good thing in life isn't work?

Okay, well there's my sermon for today. hehe, it's really more for me.



Monday, October 03, 2005

Stop and smell the roses....

Good evening all. I just got off for the day, and I wanted to say hey.

You know when you've had one of those really long days when you wanna cry, laugh, and stomp your feet like a kid all at the same time?? Yeah, it was one of those. Actually, with sick kids in the house, most of last week was long too. I'm sure if any of you all have siblings that have gotten sick you can relate. They are either mellow or crabby....hehe.

But, sickness aside, it hasn't been so bad. I'm just really tired;). Hasn't the weather been fantastic? I'm lovin' it. This weekend I "left the city" to go to church in Purcellville. It was really good for me. It's like Harold Bell Wright said in Shepherd of the Hills: (pardon the paraphrase), "For those who live in the hills, they see what God has made day after day, is it any wonder than that in the city there is so little of God? For those living in the city see only the work of the hands of man, while those in the hills see the work of God's hands."
I hadn't realized how much I missed the "countryside" of Leesburg and Purcellville. It's truly a different world here. So, tomorrow, "stop, and smell the roses", as it were. God made the creation partly for our pleasure.

Oh, yeah so I went to another baseball game. Sad, yeah, I know. I'm trying to "meet new people", so I went to see the Phillies and Nats with the singles group from the church I have been attending out here. The game was sad...the Phillies got 4 runs in the first inning and won, 8 to 4, but it was still fun to be there.

Anyhow, I have to run. I'm going to go workout tonight.

Miss you all, and hope to see you soon:)
