A night in DC
It's a lovely, lazy Saturday afternoon, and it's supposed to reach 65 degrees here today, yesss!
Last night Jeanette and I met in DC for a night out "on the town". We met at Ruby Tuesdays, (I'm on this liver detox diet right now and so needed a place with a salad bar.) Anyhow, it's in the heart of Chinatown DC, and it was packed with fans eating a bite before the game at the MCI center across the street.
As we waited I was able to observe the stark differences in people that God had the creativity to make.
We sat for 10 minutes, and no one came by our table. (Please note that every table around us had been attended to.) We decided that for time's sake we would get salad, but still no one came. At 15 minutes Jeanette asked another waiter if someone might be able to come by, so we could at least order drinks. He assured us that someone would be by. When 20 minutes had come and gone we decided to leave in order to make our movie in time.
I was cool just leaving and eating later. After all, in my reasoning, they were busy, and so we needed to just leave it be. Let it go!
Jeanette, on the other hand, wanted to make sure that they knew that we were leaving and why. I tried to talk her out of it, being the sometimes wimpish peacemaker that I can be, but she was not to be swayed. She ended up telling the manager about it before the night was over. Please note that, during this interchange, I was literally hoping that the door I was leaning against would swallow me up.
We finally left, and she being the astute one that she is, noted that I was uncomfortable. She explained her reasoning: "The manager needs to know that his staff is not doing their job. If I was a manager, I would want to know." Savy?
So many personalities are so different, but in truth with out each one working together, people like me would be walked on even more often than I am now, and people like Jeanette would rule the world, hehe;)
Oh, so another funny story before I tell you about the movie. We were walking to our theater, and somehow these two really tall guys got between Jeanette and I. She kept walking, and I literally could not get around them; they took up most of the hallway. I was behind them jumping up and down trying to watch Jeanette, and finally I took off at dead run to get around them at catch up to her. As I was running I yelped, "I can't get to you!!", as dramtically as I could. I didn't look back to see their faces, but I think I'm safe to say that they found my craziness rather amusing.
So, we went to see the movie, "End of the Spear". It's based on the story of Nate Saint and the other four men who took the gospel to a remote tribe in South America. They did lose there lives there, but that's where the story really began. It's a beautiful retelling that had me in tears at several points. The one "downside" is that the natives show a LOT of skin. Granted, these actors were more covered than the real natives were, but it's something to be aware of before going in:) It's an amazing story of forgiveness really. One of the final scenes took my breath away. A man chooses to forgive the native who took the life of his father some 40 years before. It makes you think, and I'll leave it at that;)
I encourage you to check it out.
I'll type at you soon.
Last night Jeanette and I met in DC for a night out "on the town". We met at Ruby Tuesdays, (I'm on this liver detox diet right now and so needed a place with a salad bar.) Anyhow, it's in the heart of Chinatown DC, and it was packed with fans eating a bite before the game at the MCI center across the street.
As we waited I was able to observe the stark differences in people that God had the creativity to make.
We sat for 10 minutes, and no one came by our table. (Please note that every table around us had been attended to.) We decided that for time's sake we would get salad, but still no one came. At 15 minutes Jeanette asked another waiter if someone might be able to come by, so we could at least order drinks. He assured us that someone would be by. When 20 minutes had come and gone we decided to leave in order to make our movie in time.
I was cool just leaving and eating later. After all, in my reasoning, they were busy, and so we needed to just leave it be. Let it go!
Jeanette, on the other hand, wanted to make sure that they knew that we were leaving and why. I tried to talk her out of it, being the sometimes wimpish peacemaker that I can be, but she was not to be swayed. She ended up telling the manager about it before the night was over. Please note that, during this interchange, I was literally hoping that the door I was leaning against would swallow me up.
We finally left, and she being the astute one that she is, noted that I was uncomfortable. She explained her reasoning: "The manager needs to know that his staff is not doing their job. If I was a manager, I would want to know." Savy?
So many personalities are so different, but in truth with out each one working together, people like me would be walked on even more often than I am now, and people like Jeanette would rule the world, hehe;)
Oh, so another funny story before I tell you about the movie. We were walking to our theater, and somehow these two really tall guys got between Jeanette and I. She kept walking, and I literally could not get around them; they took up most of the hallway. I was behind them jumping up and down trying to watch Jeanette, and finally I took off at dead run to get around them at catch up to her. As I was running I yelped, "I can't get to you!!", as dramtically as I could. I didn't look back to see their faces, but I think I'm safe to say that they found my craziness rather amusing.
So, we went to see the movie, "End of the Spear". It's based on the story of Nate Saint and the other four men who took the gospel to a remote tribe in South America. They did lose there lives there, but that's where the story really began. It's a beautiful retelling that had me in tears at several points. The one "downside" is that the natives show a LOT of skin. Granted, these actors were more covered than the real natives were, but it's something to be aware of before going in:) It's an amazing story of forgiveness really. One of the final scenes took my breath away. A man chooses to forgive the native who took the life of his father some 40 years before. It makes you think, and I'll leave it at that;)
I encourage you to check it out.
I'll type at you soon.
Hi Julie,
You made me laugh! I can so picture Jeanette making sure that the manager knew what had happened and you wishing you could disappear. :-) I know just how you feel! Have a great day! Terri
Just Me, at 2:35 PM
Hi Julie,
Hmmm . . . Jeanette ruling the world, now that's an interesting thought. If she takes on the job, just be sure you right at her elbow to help balance things out. : )
Anonymous, at 12:51 AM
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