Who is Peter??
Well, Peter is a special guy in my life:-) I'm hoping that we can use my blog to give my family and friends who live far away a chance to get to know him better. Most of you know about him, but you don't know him.
The scoop:
We met at HSLDA last summer, (he came to work as a legal assistant). We got to know each other over AOL IM believe it or not. We both were working late often last summer, so we started chatting as we worked.
At first we had very general conversations. Then we began to ask more and more questions about each other, our families, faith, and we shared and told silly stories. After a while Peter started inviting me to things like a hiking trip with a group of friends, his Bible study, tubing down the Potomac, etc. We really enjoyed each other and always seemed to have a great time together.
We have since realized that we like each other and are now working to build a friendship and seeking the Lord and the counsel of parents and friends about the future of our relationship. I want to include you, especially my siblings, in any way I can.
About Peter:
Peter's one of 7 kids, and yep, he was homeschooled. He attended Lord Fairfax (a local community college out here) for 2 years, and he graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in History, minor in English.
He leads a Bible study each week in Leesburg, not too far from Purcellville.
He's really tall:-) I'll try and get some pictures up soon.
He loves to read, he likes to bike and hike, he likes music, he enjoys contra dancing, (we've gone several times), he enjoys being with friends, he's discovered that he likes nertz, and so much more.
Feel free to ask away, and hopefully we'll get some fun stories up soon.
Peter will probably want to add some thoughts, to all that I listed above. Stay tuned...
The scoop:
We met at HSLDA last summer, (he came to work as a legal assistant). We got to know each other over AOL IM believe it or not. We both were working late often last summer, so we started chatting as we worked.
At first we had very general conversations. Then we began to ask more and more questions about each other, our families, faith, and we shared and told silly stories. After a while Peter started inviting me to things like a hiking trip with a group of friends, his Bible study, tubing down the Potomac, etc. We really enjoyed each other and always seemed to have a great time together.
We have since realized that we like each other and are now working to build a friendship and seeking the Lord and the counsel of parents and friends about the future of our relationship. I want to include you, especially my siblings, in any way I can.
About Peter:
Peter's one of 7 kids, and yep, he was homeschooled. He attended Lord Fairfax (a local community college out here) for 2 years, and he graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in History, minor in English.
He leads a Bible study each week in Leesburg, not too far from Purcellville.
He's really tall:-) I'll try and get some pictures up soon.
He loves to read, he likes to bike and hike, he likes music, he enjoys contra dancing, (we've gone several times), he enjoys being with friends, he's discovered that he likes nertz, and so much more.
Feel free to ask away, and hopefully we'll get some fun stories up soon.
Peter will probably want to add some thoughts, to all that I listed above. Stay tuned...
Thank you, Julie, for sharing with us this special guy in your life! We praise God for the gift of such a dear and Godly friendship. We're looking forward to getting to know him through your blog. : )
Anonymous, at 1:12 AM
Julie 'n Pete,
Hmmmm....So I can ask about Peter's favorite books??:) I know, a basic topic. I'll get to the deep and theological ones later. (haha) I'm glad Julie has "officially" announced "Pete" on her blog. Are you both contributing to the blog? Majored in history, minored in English, this should be great fun! Two of my favorite topics.
Love (and miss) you Julie!
P.S. When I read "Pete" at the top of your blog, I was thinking of the Smith's horse. Sorry Peter...I don't think I can call you Pete.:)
Pat Cole, at 2:52 PM
awww, yay! that's fabulous, julie. :) may the Lord bless you both abundantly as you seek His guidance in the growing of your relationship. :) [and yes, pictures are a MUST! ;)]
- tori
Tori Watson, at 10:21 PM
hmm....I haven't had any approval questions so it must not be too serious yet....but just so you know I would be expecting some kind of contact in the event of something like that.....and invitations don't count.....just thought I should let you know.
Your dear "younger" brother,
P.S. Janessa has my e-mail.
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM
So how do we know when it is Julie or Peter typing to us?
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM
I was wondering when you were going to let everyone in on what's going on. And by the way, you don't have to listen to Aaron, but I do have his e-mail in the event that you feel the need to ask for his approval. hehe Love ya dearie!
Janessa, at 4:10 PM
I have tons of favorite books, so it is usually easier to list my favorite authors. But here are a few: the Bible, Crime and Punishment, Catch-22, the Sea Wolf, and the Screwtape Letters. I saw that you like Silas Marner; I like that one also. And you can call me Petie or Peter or LaRock, whatever works.
Peter L., at 4:04 PM
So, you've been checking up on my favorite books as well. Cool! So, have you read Les Miserable by Victor Hugo? I have. If you have, did you find the LENGTHY discussion on the history of the sewers of Paris as...well...boring as I did? Perhaps if I lived in Paris I would have appreciated it more. I did, however, love the story.
Here's one more "random" question for you. Have you heard of the authoress Eden Southworth? I'm reading a book she wrote in fiction form based off of a true story. The man's name was Ishmael Worth. She said he was famous in America before the Civil War. Try as I might, I can't figure out who this supposedly famous gentleman was. I know, a very random question.
Thanks for responding! It's nice to be able to get to know you through the intriguing world of cyberspace.
Pat Cole, at 9:25 AM
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