Julie 'n Pete

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm an Aunt!

Lucy Elizabeth Cole is here! Woohoo! Mother and baby are doing well.

Jeremy seems pretty darned happy and proud.

I'll update soon!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Random-er Stuff

Hiya, everybody!
Not sure if Julie told you yet, but we went to a minor league game Friday afternoon - the Frederick Keys vs. the Salem Avalanche. The Keys get their name from Francis Scott Key road and Francis Scott Key stadium, which in turn derive their name from the relative of some city planner, I guess. Anyhoo, no one really made it past second until the 6th inning. It wound up tied at the bottom of the 9th, and then the Keys scored the winning run on a VERY questionable call, and both the coaches from Salem got up close in the ump's face - it reminded Julie and I of a couple of roosters squaring off :)
We got to see some lovely fireworks afterwards, but it was getting pretty chilly. Have you guys ever noticed that Julie gets cold sort of easily? Sheesh.
Julie (and the rest of our worship team, I suppose, and the church too) led us in "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)". Chris Tomlin took some verses of Amazing Grace that ordinarily aren't sung in the hymn, but are still very beautiful, and put them to some slightly faster music. We both really liked it, and she's going to try to get ahold of the sheet music. Have you guys heard this?
Last night we watched a Bollywood movie - Bride and Prejudice (There is no life without wife!) - a really goofy movie with fantastically colorful sets and costumes, and the only Indian movie I have ever seen to incorporate a southern baptist choir into one of their musical numbers. I've never seen Pride and Prejudice (and I don't really want to, either, this may be my loss but it is one I am comfortable with) so Julie filled me in on who was who.
We both miss you guys, and Julie Really Really Really misses you, so I hope we get over to see you sometime soon.
And if Julie thinks it's pathetic to miss me, that's ok, it just makes me extra pathetic :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

random stuff

Here is a cool picture. Mr and Mrs Wilcox have taken time to talk with Peter and I on several occasions. They have been a mentor couple to us, and we thank God for them. We go to their home on Wendesday nights for a Bible study. Our group is fun and full of colorful personalities. Right now we're working our way through the book of Matthew. I love going to their home--it's charming! The people in it give it the charm. They love the Lord, and they always encourage us in our walk with Him as they help us wade through the waters of a relationship and life in general:-)

All in a Day's Work:
What does HSLDA stand for?
Last I checked it was the Home School Legal Defense Association, but my most recent call changes all of that. Today I was asked if we could help annul a man's marriage. wow, nuff said.

In other news:
Peter is off in Norfolk, Virginia explaining to families what HSLDA is and what HSLDA does. heh, I am rather pathetic, but I miss him
He'll be back in time to wish his mother a, "Happy Mother's Day."
And last, but not least:
Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mom, and to any other moms who read our blog. You are precious women, loved by God, and I'm so thankful for you!
Mommy, I love you bunches. Thanks for all of the phone conversations of late. I've enjoyed taking more time to just talk to you. Love you bunches!