An update

Here's a shot of baby LaRock's crib. Grandpa and Grandma LaRock are graciously letting us use this cute crib, and we think it looks perfect:-)
Here's a shot of baby LaRock at 35 weeks! I am starting to feel pretty big and don't really enjoy the swollen feet and ankles that start puffing up at the end of the day, but beyond small annoyances, I'm feeling really well. I'm still able to workout nearly everyday, and havequite a bit of energy, although bedtime is starting to be a little earlier these days. It's funny, this pic makes me look sad/tired, but it's just a bad pic;)
Daddy LaRock, (isn't that cute!) is doing well. He recently traveled up to Maine for a work conference. He said it was beautiful up there--too bad there was snow...he couldn't really enjoy a swim in the ocean. He continues to be excited about his little one's arrival. At night, when Peter rubs oils and such on my tummy, the baby will often lift his little backside up. I think he likes getting daddy rubbing and loving, too.
You look so cute!
Anonymous, at 9:49 PM
Julie you look wonderful! I am SO excited for you! Hang in there and get lots of rest. Sunshine
Sunshine, at 10:51 AM
Awwww! Won't be long now! :-D
Caleb and Kirsten, at 2:38 PM
Cute, cute, and cute! (to each of the pictures) :-) Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!
Jessica, at 5:04 PM
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