Hey all. Sorry that I haven't typed at you much recently. My cute little son is not one who prefers to nap, and when he's awake he wants to be entertained. He's starting to play some on his own, and today he's napping, so I can type at you a bit!
Here are some pics that we took recently. He's getting so big!

These are of him chilling in his jump up. He only likes to play in it if I sing to him and talk to him while he's in it. So, it can make for interesting work results. Imagine me typing an e-mail to someone for HSLDA and randomly typing, "Puppies are cuddly, puppies are cute, they're never nasty or mean". haha, good thing I go back and check! Speaking of work; I am working part time from home for HSLDA/HSF which has been a huge blessing. Sammy's made it very interesting to get my work done at times, but God has been good, and it does get done most every day!

Here his is just being his cute self. He's changed so much in 5 months. The time does go by so quickly.
Hopefully, I'll be able to type a more lengthy update soon.