Big Boy Food!

My mom and dad have finally convinced me to eat big boy food. I have been pretty contented to just chew on stuff like this marker, and fill up on nurse. They've been trying to get me to like big boy food for about a month now, off and on, but it just wasn't doing it for me. And then, 2 days ago, something happened, and all of a sudden, I love the stuff.

oh, ha, that's me being cute. The picture doesn't really have anything to do with my story, but who could resist??

Here are my favorites so far. Apple sauce, (not pictured, but very yummy. It tends to lean on the tart side.) Rice cereal--good stuff; both kinds. I like the puffed stuff because it just disappears in my mouth. And, I don't have any teeth yet, so I can't really chew anything. Sweet potatoes--yum. I like how they turn my face orange. Bananas--divine. Need I say more? White grape juice/water bottle, ah, so good. For some reason I've had a hard time getting used to bottle nipples, but I am getting the hang of the now, and I love my juice bottle!



Ah, the life.
In other news, I do appear to be sprouting a tooth. Mom says she can feel it and see it a bit. I was wondering what what up with my mouth.
Other than that, I'm growing, scooting on my tummy, (crawling is a bit beyond me just yet) and enjoying getting outside for walks with mom when the weather is nice.