We had heard that there was going to be a snow storm today. They were saying 6 to 10 inches. Nothing terrible, but a good snow for Northern Virginia for sure. Last night we headed out to do our weekly grocery shopping, and quickly realized that the rest of Winchester had also heard about the snow, decided to run for Walmart, (a few raided the egg and bread shelves at Costco) hence the lack of eggs, milk, bread and pretty much every other food item normally readily available in the store, (garlic and onions were almost gone!) After settling for some sad looking purple onions, kale rather than lettuce, (which was also gone), applesauce in favor of the empty banana boxes, and a few other odds and ends, we got in one of the terribly long lines to wait for our turn to pay for our things. While waiting, Peter and I both made dashes for other random items.
This morning I woke up and looked out the window. After a minute I asked Peter, "where's my car?" He started laughing and pointed out that it was right outside where it always is but that it was covered in snow. Sure enough, there it was just peeking out.
(It was much less visible from the 2nd story window, but I did feel like a ditz once Pete pointed it out to me.)
We ventured out later on to deliver some cookies to several different neighbors. We took the following shots. I'm guessing at least 2 feet of snow. I haven't seen a snow like this since I was a kid!

A kind neighbor helped Peter dig out his car. Pete ran into Winchester today to try and get some Christmas shopping done. Unfortunately pretty much everything except Walmart was closed. He did manage to get us a much-needed snow shovel!

Sammy's been fighting a fever for the last few days, so his response to the snow was pretty much like this. But, he did seem to enjoy looking at it from the window!
I'm guessing this snow might just grant us a White Christmas!
Julie for the LaRocks:-)