tired of looking at the dwarf?
Me too. Sorry...once again my busy life has left you out of the loop. I am running here and there, and the time seems to be flying. This time next week, I will be preparing to walk down the aisle at Jeremy and Jessica's wedding. I remember thinking in August, when they were engaged, that March 25th seemed such a long time to wait. But, here we are already. Amazing.
Nannying is going quite well. It's hard work, but it does have its rewards.
Life is really the same old, same old. Nothing that new. I think it's just been extra busy of late.
I went to D.C. last night with Jeanette. That was interesting. It was St Patrick's Day, and I swear we were probably two of maybe ten sober people on the train when we left the city. It was really amazing to observe all of the drunks that were out "celebrating" St Patrick. Aspects of their behavior was funny--the singing was great! But, in a real sense, I was sad for them. Their talk was so disgusting, and their behavior was pathetic. They didn't have an ounce of dignity. What's really sad is the fact that many of them think that their lives are normal. They don't even know what they are missing. When someone has lived like that their whole life, how can they be convinced of anything else? Only by the grace of God do any of us know the truth. I was just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of empty people around me in such need of new life in Christ.
Anyhow, there you have it. Prayer is needed in this place; the hope of Christ is needed so badly. Thankfully, I serve a big God who loves to change lives!
Have a fantastic weekend.
Nannying is going quite well. It's hard work, but it does have its rewards.
Life is really the same old, same old. Nothing that new. I think it's just been extra busy of late.
I went to D.C. last night with Jeanette. That was interesting. It was St Patrick's Day, and I swear we were probably two of maybe ten sober people on the train when we left the city. It was really amazing to observe all of the drunks that were out "celebrating" St Patrick. Aspects of their behavior was funny--the singing was great! But, in a real sense, I was sad for them. Their talk was so disgusting, and their behavior was pathetic. They didn't have an ounce of dignity. What's really sad is the fact that many of them think that their lives are normal. They don't even know what they are missing. When someone has lived like that their whole life, how can they be convinced of anything else? Only by the grace of God do any of us know the truth. I was just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of empty people around me in such need of new life in Christ.
Anyhow, there you have it. Prayer is needed in this place; the hope of Christ is needed so badly. Thankfully, I serve a big God who loves to change lives!
Have a fantastic weekend.
Hi Julie,
It was good to catch up with all that's going on in your life. I'm so excited about the joyfully celebration for Jeremy and Jessica. What a fun time it's going to be for you and your family! We're praying for their safe travel. It sounds like a good delegation of aunts will be there as well. How sad that drinking and empty parties are a part of St. Patrick's Day since he went to Ireland to spread the gospel. Satan is such a liar. He always mocks and twists all that is holy. Know that our prayers join yours for the dear people of DC. Jonathan and David were home this weekend, and we thoroughly enjoyed them as always. Ben made a zip line going from one maple tree to the other in our front yard. You had to climb the tree to a height which would be equal to the peak of the roof, grab the rope he rigged to the pulley and away you go. They talked me into giving it a go which I did on the condition that the guys would catch me when I got to the far end. Just before I left my perch to go swooping down, I noticed that a couple of neighbors were outside watching, not wanting to miss the historic event. : )
Anonymous, at 1:15 AM
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