Hi, fans of Julie!
So for my first addition to Julie 'n Pete, how about this: instead of just trying to guess if there is anything you guys would like to know about me, why don't you ask me some questions, and I will try to answer them. Also, how about you tell me something or things that you only find out about Julie by being her family. Not really embarrassing or personal things, but the nicer the better.
- Peter LaRock
So for my first addition to Julie 'n Pete, how about this: instead of just trying to guess if there is anything you guys would like to know about me, why don't you ask me some questions, and I will try to answer them. Also, how about you tell me something or things that you only find out about Julie by being her family. Not really embarrassing or personal things, but the nicer the better.
- Peter LaRock
I'm not family and so can't really reveal any inside information about Julie, but as you're finding out, getting to know her has been pure delight. Hmmm . . . as far as questions for you, how about sharing a little about your family or your favorite books, or some of the things you like to do in your spare time. (Just thought I'd give you some options in case those are topics you've already shared through Julie.) : )
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM
Well I guess I am family....:-) Has she told you about her Cinnamon Cookies? Or how she and Janessa used to have laughing fits and wake us all up at 10:30 pm? And how about when she talks in her sleep!(hope that is not to embarrassing Julie)
On more of a personal note... When Julie left for VA it was really hard for me. She and I had always gotten along and were really good friends as well as sisters. One thing we did alot is take walks. I really missed haveing those walks. It was a time for me to share my heart with her (And also know that no siblings were listening in:-)When she comes home for a visit she (assuming the weather in nice) always takes a walk with me! She is a reall treasure and I know you must be as well or she would not have gotten to know you!
Oh and questions for you....
do you like war movies? I hope so! I seem to have alot of sisters and um... they like alot of old classics which is good (in seasons) But blood and guts as Jeff says is good also(even though he is to young to see any of them! haha)
Do you like to cook?Or do you leave that to the women in your life?
Ok I will stop for now!
http://www.xanga.com/joestar100 is my other blog
Comments are always welcome!:-)
Joanna Cole, at 9:20 AM
Some random, interesting questions:
1.) Do you like cow tongue?
2.) What is your full name?
3.) What is your favorite quote?
4.) Favorite passage of Scripture?
5.) Hellmann's or Miracle Whip? (it's a family rivalry. I personally don't like mayonnaise at all.)
6.) Have you been to Branson, MO?
7.) Have you met the President?
8.) What are your favorite hobbies? (Mom's question)
9.) Your favorite hymn?
10.) A favorite song?
Now, I suppose I've asked too many questions. You certainly don't have to answer all of them in one breath. I tried to think of original questions.
Thanks for posting!
Yes, I am an avid fan of Julie.:)
Pat Cole, at 9:46 AM
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