Tub and 39 weeks shots
And here is baby LaRock at 39 weeks. I actually have felt very good recently. I do have normal aches, pains, swelling, and tiredness, but I'm really blessed to say that I feel great! I am getting really ready to meet our little guy:-)
So far not much going on. I've had contractions on and off for the last 3 weeks or so. We'll keep you updated.
Mom and dad came last week and dropped my sister, Judy, off to stay with us. She wants to be a midwife herself and so plans to be around to help out at our birth. I say, brave girl! We've had fun playing lots of nertz and other games. There are only so many games to be played with just two people. She's feeling much better after coming down with a flu bug shortly after her arrival. We've had fun getting to know her better.
That's it for now.
Julie and Pete
You're looking great, Julie. We're praying that all goes well. What a blessing to have a sister/midwife there handy. : )
Karen, at 9:15 AM
Wow, you're so cute!!!! I hadn't been over here in a while, and I can't believe it's almost here! can't wait for you guys!!!
Kelly Sauer, at 10:08 AM
This is the first pregnant picture of you that I've shown Matthew and Nyssa.Here's the direct quotes-
You look great! We're so happy and excited for you guys!
I know that Judy will be a big help.
"Hello" to Judy from Matthew and Nyssa
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM
We always said growing up that you would be really cute pregnant. :)
Tell the little Mr. LaRock that the rest of us would really like to meet him so it would be nice if he would make his appearance soon. :)
Justin, at 11:19 AM
Can't wait to hear the good news! You look wonderful!!!
Caleb and Kirsten, at 11:40 AM
Congratulations on nearing the end! Jessica told me you were planning on a water birth... very cool! Can't wait to hear how things go. Best wishes! Praying for you guys!
Undeserving, at 4:53 PM
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