Pushing the van out of the ditch in the rain...?
I kinda remember that, but not really. Remind me...was that the time somebody backed out of the driveway into the ditch on the other side of the road? I can remember pushing vehicles out of various, interesting situations, but this particular time is not coming to me.
I remember when Jeremy and I would go out in the driveway and walk through the mud-puddles. We would say something like, "ouch, ouch, ouch!" when we walked on the gravel and then: "ahhhh" when we hit a puddle.
I'm liking memory lane. Heh, I don't think I've told Peter about talking in my sleep, and I'm honestly not sure if I do it anymore. I remember Jeanette telling me, a long time ago, that I asked her in the middle of the night: "Jeanette, how many should I take?" Wonder what I was dreaming about!
I can remember Janessa coming up late to her half-asleep sister. And said half asleep sister would try to talk in a coherent fashion and fail miserably. Janessa still teases me about that.
The time we giggled the night away, dear Janessa decided to dive into her bed. But something random happened, she tripped, and made the craziest entrance to bed on record. I wish I had that on tape...sigh.
My trip to Washington was fun. I'm very glad to be back, (just in time for our first Virginia "winter storm"). Washington was dreary, and so I didn't really see the mountains and such. Ah well.
Catcha later.
I remember when Jeremy and I would go out in the driveway and walk through the mud-puddles. We would say something like, "ouch, ouch, ouch!" when we walked on the gravel and then: "ahhhh" when we hit a puddle.
I'm liking memory lane. Heh, I don't think I've told Peter about talking in my sleep, and I'm honestly not sure if I do it anymore. I remember Jeanette telling me, a long time ago, that I asked her in the middle of the night: "Jeanette, how many should I take?" Wonder what I was dreaming about!
I can remember Janessa coming up late to her half-asleep sister. And said half asleep sister would try to talk in a coherent fashion and fail miserably. Janessa still teases me about that.
The time we giggled the night away, dear Janessa decided to dive into her bed. But something random happened, she tripped, and made the craziest entrance to bed on record. I wish I had that on tape...sigh.
My trip to Washington was fun. I'm very glad to be back, (just in time for our first Virginia "winter storm"). Washington was dreary, and so I didn't really see the mountains and such. Ah well.
Catcha later.
It was in February when you had Dad's big boots on (which were 10 sizes too big on you:). It was raining and slippery. Our late neighbor Bruce Jiles came and "towed" you all out with his rope. I was young enough at the time that I didn't have to help push it out. But I watched and it was kind of funny. It was just a funny memory in my mind. Miss you!
Pat Cole, at 7:18 PM
Okay. Can I just say that, for the record, I had no intention of diving into bed that night. How was I supposed to remember that someone had put a big box right in front of my bed? So yes, I did dive but certainly not intentionally. Just felt like sharing.
Okay. A few questions for Peter.
1. Have you ever been out of the country? If so, where?
2. Is there anywhere that you have always wanted to go but haven't yet been able to? Why?
3. What are two of the greatest blessings God has given to you?
Alright, interrogation over for now. I'll think up some more over supper. :)
Janessa, at 6:07 PM
I used to share a room with my brother Paul, and he would talk in his sleep and snore. The talking was infrequent and sometimes entertaining, but the snoring got on my nerves; I would usually go over and pinch his nose shut and wait until he took a great big gasp of air in through his mouth (fortunately, that never took very long).
I've been to Nassau and Canada. Now if I want to get out of the country again I will have to cough up for a passport, as they don't let you get away with the birth certificate any more.
I love beaches; sometime I'd like to go to a beach with really big waves, which you don't find on the east coast with any consistency. I'd also like to go to France and look at the Gothic cathedrals and Italy and look at pretty much everything.
God has blessed me with lots of things, but two that stand out are a family that is whole and that loves each other, and that I accepted Him at a fairly young age. I thought about throwing your questions back at you, but I will try to think up some of my own.
Peter L., at 11:08 AM
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