Julie 'n Pete

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Backyard Cookout at the LaRock's...

Once upon a time Peter bought a fire bowl. It actually was over a year ago, but he just hadn't had a chance to build a nice, toasty fire in it. One, fine spring day in April, 2009, he decided to build a fire, invite guests and roast hot dogs and marshmellows over the delightful flame.Meanwhile, his very pregnant wife decided that the warm weather warrented the planting of various seeds in her pots. She remembered the previous year's attempt was a success, (although she was too sick with her pregnancy to enjoy any of the fruits of her labors.)
So, while Peter prepared the fire, Julie and Judy admired their hard work.

Judy, who was one of the guests, did a great job planting her bean seeds. She smiled with joy at the thought of yummy hotdogs and marshmellows.

The flame became hot and ready to roll, so Peter and Judy roasted their dinner. It was a pleasant, happy way to enjoy the great outdoors.

Peter, who was thrilled to finally be using his fire bowl, helped himself to two hotdogs.

Next, the final guest, Joseph, showed up. He also enjoyed roasting his dinner over the open flame.

And finally the marshmellows, in all their sticky splendor, were consumed.

Good times were had by all!


  • Great story, but I was just certain there was going to be some kind of surprise ending line about "and then Julie went into labor and no one thought about hotdogs and marshmallows anymore." Oh, well, maybe the next blog. : )

    By Anonymous Karen, at 11:45 PM  

  • LOL...well, as it turns out, she should have ended it like that considering that she was in labor when you (Karen) posted your comment.

    So happy that Samuel David has decided to join us at last! Can't wait to see pics!!!!

    By Blogger Justin, at 11:32 AM  

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