Yep, I do now have some more pictures of Julie 'n Pete:-) We both seem to keep busy with our various Bible studies, work, and activities. We also spend a lot of time getting to know each other more. It's legislative season for Pete in legal, and it's conference season for me.
Here we are up to no good:) I think perhaps he was planning to tickle me, and I was planning the escape...
Peter, Julie told me you like to tickle. Well, I hope that stops in Virginia and doesn't appear in Illinois! You both look great. Can't wait to see you again Julie. Oh, I can't wait to meet you Peter. Thanks for keeping in touch via the internet.
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM
I tickle my little brother and sister a lot, especially if they say their "tickling words", which they sometimes say just so I will tickle them. I keep it in check pretty well everywhere else, though. I'm really excited about meeting you guys; anything I should bring or be prepared for?
Peter L., at 3:38 PM
I hope we get to see you both while you're in. We've certainly enjoyed your blog.
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM
Anything you should be prepared for? Wind...and more wind. Also, something just added within the last couple months...a multitude of strange blinking red lights on the horizon. Yeah, lights on the gargantuan windmills at the new wind farm. :) As far as anything else, I think it would spoil the fun to warn you ahead of time. haha Looking forward to seeing you again.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
Cute pictures!! :-)
Dude, I didn't even know you had this blog! This is awesome! I really need to keep more up to date on these things...
I guess I'm pretty late to be getting in on the discussions that happened... oooh, like a month ago. But of course, I will anyway. ;-) Such as the Hellman's vs. Miracle Whip debate. (I think you've been officially inducted into that one, Peter, lol.) Let me just say that at the moment there is a big jar of Miracle Whip in our refrigerator x-p, but that is only because I had to make it up to Jeremy for getting the big jar of REAL mayo last time.
Oh yeah... and Julie, I have heard about the "ouch, ooch, eech, ouch... ahhh" episodes numerous times, haha! I died laughing when I read that one. ;-)
Have lots of fun out there in IL everyone!
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM
Julie what did you do???? Or should I say How did you get Jessica to comment? lol
Cute pictures!
Joanna Cole, at 4:06 PM
Do, Jonah? I didn't do anything. Perhaps Jessica randomly found it.
Welcome, Jess! You know, you and Jeremy could/should start a blog...'specially to post pics of the new Cole baby.
Lookin' forward to seeing all of you soon, and I can't wait for you to meet Peter:-)
Pete and Julie, at 12:22 PM
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